March 16, 2021
John 16:21-22, “When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.”
Continuing in this theme of joy erupting from sorrow, Jesus now gives a dramatic illustration to describe this very phenomenon. This illustration is even more profound in its original context, when childbirth often resulted in death of the mother or child, or both. Sorrow is there because death might be right around the corner, and yet, new life is so spectacular that once the baby is born, that anguish is forgotten and has been replaced by joy. So it would be for the disciples who would feel intense sorrow at the loss of Jesus. On that resurrection day, that sorrow would be erased by inexplicable joy.
One of my favorite details from the gospel accounts of the resurrection is that after the women saw the tomb, they ran to tell the other disciples. Then the men ran to see the empty tomb, and ran to go and tell other people. In this context, running never happens. There is no leisurely jogging for fun or exercise, and only top athletes would run in any sporting event. The only reason to run in the ancient world was to avoid danger, like in the face of an approaching animal. Their clothing, especially, makes it nearly impossible to run - and yet, here they are, running because their hearts are so filled with joy. It shows the followers of Jesus in their most childlike wondrous state, and that description should fill us with joy as well.
Jesus reminds them here in closing that no one will take their joy from them, not even those who will persecute and kill them. We have a lasting joy - something that spill into eternity, and nothing will ever take that joyful peace away from us (Rom. 8).
Prayer: God of peace, fill my heart with joy. Let me know what those first witnesses to the resurrection knew, that there is no greater joy than knowing that you live forever, and that because of that, we live forever! Replace in me my temporary sorrows with that everlasting peace that only you can offer. Show me what it means to truly accept you as Lord and let that be in my heart a comfort that surpasses all. Amen.
40 Days of Joy: The beautiful piano work of Olafur Arnalds. Check out this masterpiece, “Verses.”