February 17, 2021
John 13:31-33 - When he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once. Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek me, and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you, ‘Where I am going you cannot come.’
This term ‘little children’ in context is an affectionate term for his followers. Jesus is not speaking to kids or being condescending. He’s emphasizing their family relationship, and elevating himself as the head of the church. He also connects himself, The Son of Man, to Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah who will conquer sin and death (Daniel 7;12); he will be glorified, which means, you will see him as he truly is. And as we see Christ for who he truly is, we will also see clearly who God the Father is and his purpose in sending His Son. Jesus acknowledges here that they will long to find Jesus in earthly ways - and will be in despair at his death. Where he is going is a place they cannot come at this time, to the right hand of the Father.. but the call here for his disciples and for us is to seek Jesus as he truly is - not as we want him to be.
Prayer - “Lord Jesus, help us to see you as you are. Strip away my own designs and make clear to me your purpose as Savior and Lord. Help us, Jesus, to feel the love of the family of God, and help us to love our church family well! Jesus, we glorify your name by praising you, thanking you for saving us, and by obeying your commands. In your name we pray. Amen”
40 Days of Joy: Watch the TV show “Ted Lasso”; it is robustly defended as the greatest show on TV and with good reason - it’s a reminder that goodness as a virtue is still attractive and that to expect the best of people is still a winning recipe for success. Only for grown-ups - kids should not watch this show. And major disclaimer: there are themes in the show that could be offensive - like adult humor stuff. So be forewarned. But your pastor is a major fan of this show.